Illustration/Design Wizard

D is for Delgado

Ramblings of a Creative

C is for Countdown to the End of the World
Last year on a whim, my friend Stephen and I started drawing in a moleskine daily calendar. We decided to use a different color for each month and alternate drawing in it . Based on the premise the world was going to end, we decided to record each day with an illustration. I love this sketchbook.

Count Down to the End of the World from Peter Delgado on Vimeo.

Check out the flickr page for all the individual drawings.
P is for Playlist
I found out about this new site called, it lets you share your Itunes playlist and embed them. Very cool. Here is my first mixtape, Oh Dear April 2011
F is for Fog
San Diego weather was so weird this morning. The OB pier looked amazing with fog shrouding both ends. Felt like I was walking into the twilight zone!

L is for Letterpress
I had the opportunity to check out a property of a recently deceased letterpress enthusiast from Vista. He was the printer of a small north county newspaper, and had an amazing hand built property overlooking the Vista country side. The new owner was kind enough to let me check out the press and a ton of old books and magazines. I ended up lucking out with some vintage picture books, magazines circa 1905-1963,and a nice selection of newspapers from the last 30 years.Craziness

G is for Ghost
Last night I did some lino block prints.I loved how they turned out on the craft paper. Im definitely hooked on this method.
D is for Double Exposure
On Mothers Day I took a drive along route 74 To Anza California. Ever since getting my Holga camera I have been wanting to experiment with double exposing the film. I juxtaposed the road with the beautiful scenery to get a double dose of my trip.

H is for Holga
For my birthday I received a sweet white and black plastic 35 mm Holga camera. It takes really distorted pictures and leaks a lot of light. Makes for some interesting experiments

P is for Paper Cuts Zine swap!
Last night Subtext Studio hosted Yeller Studio's -Paper Cuts Zine Swap. About 80 zines where on display in the Subtext courtyard. At the end of the night I ended up going home with about 30 zines. They rock.
I displayed my zine " Something in Common"

B is for B-List Montster

A freind of mine started a mini contest, with a facebook status post.
"Find/draw/create the best zombie or monster and post it on my page. I have a prize for the winner : ) You have till Monday...."
Old movie montsters are a favorite of mine so I was down for the challenge. After a quick brainstorm I decided to sketch out a whimisical swamp thing monster. Pink sharpie and 88mm stabilo black felt tip pen.
H is for House industries

Thursday night, House Industries opened the Eames Gallery in Santa Monica. House Industries aesthetic is a personal favorite of mine and was worth seeing up and close, despite having to drive two and a half hours to get there. Fresh Press was onsite, screen printing bags and posters. I am now the proud owner of a 13x19 Eames Century Modern red number 3, printed on a ivory paper. Last thing, An Eames Chair is the most comfortable chair I have ever sat in.
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S is for Subway

Last year around this time I visited Washington DC and explored the underground metro. This shot was taken in the last minutes of my visit. Sans tripod, I craftily balanced my camera on a ledge overlooking an incoming train. I did not realize what an interesting shot this was until I had returned home.